Thursday, March 27, 2008

Expressing emotions

I LOVE that Naomi is talking in complete sentences now (occasionally, at least)'s a lot of fun! Most of her sentences tend to be something along the lines of:

"I need a______" (a few mornings ago, she grinned and said "I need a cookie!")
"I see a_______"

She also does a complete dialogue from Dora the Explorer concerning Swiper the Fox; my favorite part about this is that she plugs in appropriate comments from her current situation about where Swiper is hiding and what he is going to swipe. So if she's in the kitchen, he's probably hiding in the fridge or under the table, and he's probably going to swipe her food or milk or dishes, etc.

Naomi's also learned emotions! She knows about happy and sad. Yesterday in the car, I took away her sunglasses for one minute after giving her a couple warnings about not putting them in her mouth. She immediately started crying loudly, and then as if to emphasize the point, stopped crying long enough to say "I'M SAD. I'M SAD. I'M CRYING." It was a good thing she couldn't see my face; I buried my head for a minute and laughed as quietly as possible!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

This one's for Angie

1. Jobs I have had:
Organist (during high school, that was a posh one), lots of secretarial, office manager, piano teacher
2. All the places I have lived:
Gooding, ID; temporarily Sigurd, UT; Monroe, UT; Provo, UT; Tucson, AZ
3. Four movies that I love:
The Italian Job, Oceans 11 (notice a theme about stealing things?), The Illusionist, The Guardian
4. Four favorite foods:
Ice cream, smoothies, most fruits, more ice cream
5. Four weird things about me:
I actually look forward to the labor part of having babies; I suppose it's something to do with the physical challenge
I don't like chocolate...that's right, you read correctly. I have enough of a sweet tooth that I will eat it if nothing else is available, but I much prefer pretty much everything else over chocolate
I am an email addict. I leave my email open all day so I can glance at it quickly instead of logging in 25 times a day (which I would probably do, otherwise!)
I might only have 3 weird things about me...I'm sure Matt will protest that, though!

6. Four favorite TV shows:
Scrubs, So You Think You Can Dance, Designed to Sell (but only with certain designers), hmmm...don't watch much else, so I guess Mythbusters (Matt loves that so I hang out with him while he watches it)
7. Four places I'd love to go:
Places? How about things to do in cool places?
Scuba diving (I got a teeny taste of this and can't wait for more!!)
Rock climbing (I haven't been since we've been in AZ, and I miss it!)
Triathlon in some beautiful crazy exotic place
Here's one place: tour through the LOTR movie sites in New Zealand
8. People I tag:
Anybody who's interested

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter Egg Hunt!

While Aunt Julie was here, Naomi participated in an Easter egg hunt! (And yes, I set up a couple practice runs at home so Naomi would get the idea beforehand and be able to top all the other kids with her egg collection skills.) Unfortunately, I didn't check the camera settings and ended up with lots of pictures that were pretty washed out, but we sure had a fun time!

Mommy's taking us to the zoo tomorrow...

Actually, that was last week when Aunt Julie was here! We had a fun time at the zoo, although Naomi's clear favorite was...the water. We had to lure her away from almost every area by promising there would be water at the next place, whether it be a frog fountain spouting water or a stream running through the enclosure. I believe her other favorites were watching the polar bears swim laps and standing on one leg just like the flamingos.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Pump It Up

Naomi and I have gone to Pump It Up a few times, but yesterday Matt got to come with us for his first time there! Everything is made of inflatable material, and they have a jumping castle, an obstacle course, a huge slide, and a smaller slide with some other fun activities surrounding it. Here are some pictures of Matt and Naomi rolling out of the obstacle course, Naomi going down a slide on her tummy, and the two of them jumping together.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Headband and Silverstein

Naomi enjoys trying whatever we are doing, including checking out what we wear on our heads. Here she is sporting my headband which she had commandeered moments before.

In the second picture, she is holding one of her most recently discovered favorites in literature.

New Flip Flops/Sandals!

Here they are! (Great recommendation, Terrah. I LOVE THEM!)

For some reason, Naomi associates them with Mickey Mouse...she's completely lost me there, especially since she doesn't have much experience with Mickey Mouse!

**Note: there has been some dispute about whether or not these qualify as flip flops. Feel free to post a comment if you feel strongly about this issue.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Morning greetings

It's always fun to go into Naomi's room in the morning (or after naps). Usually she wakes up and chats to herself for a bit, so when we go in she's gotten past the blurry-eyed confused phase. She has quite a variety of ways to greet us. Her most recent greetings have been things like this:

Hi, sweetie! (this one really makes me giggle!)
Mommy, what happened? (no idea what she's talking about or where she got this phrase)
What is that? (usually talking about the humidifier)
Where is it? There it is! (she likes to ask a question and then answer it herself)
Play with toys! (self-explanatory)

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Wagon ride, rock climbing, water fun, all in one trip!

There is a water fountain in the shopping area right by our house, and we often haul Naomi over there in the wagon. It's actually quite a good incentive: "once we get done with ________, we can go see the water fountain". She likes dancing around on the ledge, trying to climb the rocks, playing with the plants, watching the water splash, etc. Here are some pictures of today's outing.


Tragedy has struck. My beloved flip flops have a hole.

These are the most comfortable flip flops I have ever had, and they have lasted for years. How does one part with such a trusted and loyal object? Most I will have to search for very comfortable flip flops that are not expensive. This is of utmost importance since I wear them year round (and not because I live in Tucson...darn you, Mom, for giving me claustrophobic feet!).

Monday, March 03, 2008



Sabino Canyon

We accompanied a group of grad student recruits up Sabino Canyon a few weeks ago. Here are some pics of Matt helping Naomi dip her hands in the water, and Naomi getting a mini-lesson in various types of handholds for rock climbing.

Hat girl

Naomi enjoys having pictures taken of herself and then demands to see them. Usually that results in her not staying still long enough for a picture to be taken; usually the picture ends up being a blur running towards the camera. Here are a few that actually turned out.

Injury and Recovery

Naomi fell the other day and really hit her cheek hard on the arm of a wooden chair. If you look closely, you might be able to see some bruising on her left cheek.

Here is her recovery process:
cuddle with daddy
demand grapes be placed in her mouth
manipulate parents