Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Easter pictures!

Better late than never, and too fun to miss!

Snow cones at the park...serious business!

Naomi takes some pictures (check out Gabe's mop of hair!)

I love watching these kids walk while they hold hands!

Gabe insisted on finishing every single bit of that snow cone. Later, when I removed his shirt, I discovered blue streaks all down his tummy from the snow cone juice!

Naomi's favorite present EVER.

Dinner and another egg hunt at the Slivka's.
Gabe is hiding behind Isaac and Miley.

Meetup Moms of Tucson egg hunt

1 comment:

Moeller Family said...

Valerie, how are you guys? I can't believe how big Naomi is- I don't think my parents would either. Time sure does fly!