Sunday, September 15, 2013

Odds and Ends

This was on the last day of August, which also happened to be the last day of our Stone Mountain memberships. Boy, did we put that last day of membership to good use! Matt stayed home with Peter while the older kids and I hit the kids version of the sky hike (a low-to-the-ground ropes course with a zip line at the end), quite a bit of splashing in the stream, the 4D movie, and the train. We aimed for miniature golf, but there was a 45 minute wait for that. We stood in this line for quite awhile since the trains had temporarily shut down due to a concern about possible lightning. So the kids weren't in the best of humor. :)

Classic Naomi: helpful with Peter, but still trying to read even when helping. You should see her brush her hair while reading. It's not very effective.

Andrew is enjoying preschool! He is in Miss Jeannie's class, and he is one of 4 3-year-olds. They fingerpaint a lot, and he always uses scads of blue! They started school right after Andrew's birthday, and things finally settled down enough that we were able to take cupcakes in to celebrate. Blue frosting!

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